About Us
Our church began in the home of Sis. Leola Watkins on August 31, 1994 at 6:00 p.m. with Prayer Meeting followed by Teacher’s Meeting on Thursday.
On Sunday, September 4, 1994 Worship Services were held at the Best Western Hotel, Bessemer, Alabama with 17 in attendance including 12 Charter Members. Namely, Sis. Leola Watkins, Sis. Juanita Thomas, Bro. Lee Curtis Nelson, Dea. Walter Patton, Sis. Lula M. Dickens, Sis. Geneva Nelson, Sis. Eddie B. Lewis, Sis. Annie Scruggs, Bro. Ricco McAdory, Sis. Dorothy McAdory and Sis. Jean Howell.
A Planning Meeting was held at the end of the service to choose a name for our church. Our church was unanimous in agreeing on the name, “Faith Missionary Baptist Church” as suggested by Sis. Shirley Watkins.
By Wednesday, September 14, 1994 with the help of Mayor Quitman Mitchell, we leased the Davis Heights Community Center for Worship Services on Sunday and Wednesday night.
Official Meeting to Organize
September 24, 1994
Clergy Present were: Dr. Wilson Fallin, Sr., Moderator, Mt. Pilgrim District Association, Rev. J. P. Parnell, Pastor, Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, Irondale, AL, Rev. Curtis Lee, Rev. Johnny Ware, and Rev. William Walker all of Bessemer, AL.
Others Present were: Bro. Luddie Harris and Sis. Weedie Harris, Leader, Mt. Pilgrim #2 District.
Members Present were: Sis. Leola Watkins, Sis. Juanita Thomas, Sis. Eddie B. Lewis, Sis. Annie Scruggs, Bro. Walter Patton, Bro. Curtis Jones, Bro. Ricco McAdory, Sis. Kashawka Nelson, Sis. Dorothy McAdory and Bro. Lee Curtis Nelson.
On September 24, 1994, an official meeting was held at the Davis Heights Community Center to organize the Faith Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. R. L. McAdory led a short devotion and related that this gathering was one to get the blessings of the bretheren in the Bessemer Community.
Dr. Wilson Fallin, Sr., Moderator of the Mt. Pilgrim District Association conducted the meeting. Dr. Fallin said that Rev. McAdory had talked with him and he was coming to be helpful. He said that he was glad to hear that he would remain the Mt. Pilgrim District. He said sometimes we have doubts and fears, but we need change and he came to organize. Ten members were present, namely: Sis. Leola Watkins, Sis. Juanita Thomas, Sis. Eddie B. Lewis, Sis. Annie Scruggs, Bro. Walter Patton, Bro. Curtis Jones, Bro. Ricco McAdory, Sis. Kashawka Nelson, Sis. Dorothy McAdory and Bro. Lee Curtis Nelson. All unanimously favored organizing the church and using the already selected name of Faith Missionary Baptist Church and selecting Rev. R. L. McAdory as the pastor.
Dr. Fallin led the church in the reading of the Church Covenant. He said the Covenant was a good guide, good to live by and serve.
Rev. J. P. Parnell, pastor of the Mt. Hebron Baptist Church, Irondale, Alabama then asked the Moderator before he turned the meeting to Rev. McAdory to allow us to hear from the ministers in the Bessemer area. Words of support and encouragement were from Rev. Curtis Lee, pastor of the New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, Mobile Junction, Rev. Johnny Ware, pastor of Bethel 5th Avenue Missionary Baptist Church and Rev. William H. Walker, pastor of New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church.
Also, Bro. Luddie Harris and Sis. Weedie Harris, Leader of Mt. Pilgrim District #2 offered support and words of encouragement.
November 1994 under the lead of our pastor, we closed the purchase on our present property, 1605 15th Avenue North, Bessemer, AL 35020.
We began renovating our church in April 1995. Most of the work was done by church members that worked untiringly every Saturday and weekdays were possible. The sanctuary was painted by Sis. Dorothy McAdory, Sis. Shirley Watkins, Sis. Juanita Thomas and Sis. Annie Scruggs. It was the bond of our church family working together that we were able to motorcade from the Davis Heights Community Center to our church for worship on May 21, 1995.
Nineteen Ninety-Six was a continual move for our church as we installed a waterproofing system in the basement as well as improved the electrical system. New windows were installed in the sanctuary. A new piano was purchased and Bro. Terry Thomas continued to make renovations to the church.
Christian Education is on the move with six enrolled in the Certificate of Progress Program, Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Delegates continue to represent our church on a National, State and Local level.
Pastor McAdory appointed Sis. Janie R. Ward as president of the Missionary Society. On February 22, 1996, the Missionary Society became active, supportive and growing in every aspect of mission.
The Youth Bible Ministry is a blessing with Sis. Dorothy McAdory and Sis. Juanita Thomas serving as facilitators.
On December 3, 1996, the property adjacent to the church was purchased which included a frame house.
In September 2002 the church purchased property at 1527 15th Avenue North, Bessemer, AL which includes a frame house. This extension is used for extended study, dining and fellowship.
On December 24, 2003 death invaded and Sis. Janie Ruth Ward was called to rest. She was the first president of the Missionary Society and remained president until death. Her death was the first out of the Faith family.
On February 22, 2004 Deacon Walter Patton was called from labor to his eternal home. He was our first and oldest deacon. We also lost our eminent Leader of the Mt. Pilgrim #2 District Association, Sis. Weedie Harris. Sis. Harris was a spiritual and financial supporter of our church until her death.
On January 4, 2004, Ricco S. McAdory, the first born son of this church preached his initial sermon and was licensed to the gospel ministry.
Sis. Edna Perkins served as Interim Mission President until the appointment of Sis. Willie Mae Rutledge. Sis. Rutledge served until her death on September 6, 2005. In December 2005 death invaded and took our second Charter Member, Sister Geneva Nelson.
Sis. Lucille Williams was appointed Missionary President in January 2006.
In April 2006, death invaded once again and claimed our third Charter Member, Sis. Eddie B. Lewis. In August 2006, we purchased our fourth piece of property at 1609 15th Avenue North, Bessemer, AL which included a frame house and three lots. To the glory of God, our church owns more than half the 15th Avenue Block with a total of 8 lots.
New ministries developed in 2007 were Youth Choir and Matron’s Ministry. A Christian Leadership School was established on Sunday morning from 8:30-9:20 a.m. for students pursing their Christian Education Diploma through the Christian Education Department of Credentialing and Accreditation of the Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. To date, a total of five persons have received their Christian Education Diplomas.
Death invaded in 2009 and carried with it the last two of our Senior Deacons. Deacon Aaron Cotton in January and Deacon Calvin Simpson in July.
In July 2010, death invaded and our Missionary President, Sister Lucille Williams answered her call from labor to reward, as well as our fourth Charter Member, Sister Annie Scruggs on August 5, 2010.
In February 2015, the church and all properties which also included two Fellowship/Classroom houses and three lots were paid in full.
In October 2015, death invaded and Sister Eleise Denson was called from her earthly labor and as 2016 ushered in, Sister Lula Mae Dickens, our fifth charter member fell asleep in the Lord. May Their Memory Be Eternal.
Our membership continues to grow individually and collectively under the leadership of Pastor McAdory. We thank God for our heritage and the willing spirit of our faithful laborers; by the grace of God, as we continue to work that the membership of Faith will continue to be blessed as we enter into our next phase of Kingdom building for Christ. We look to the future with confidence that God will bless the efforts of His people as we labor in love together here on earth.
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